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Writing Prompt: Pandemic and rebirth

This Virus has turned our world inside out. For many of us, this means a new perspective, and it also may mean loss of something dear. Maybe even loss of a loved one, of a business, a way of life, an outdated framework by which we have lived for too long. We have all been touched by this pandemic, and its loss, in one way or another. We may not feel loss unless we have been closely tied to something intimately, often so beautifully, and change is challenging. Our media is plastered with the ensuing chaos. Our churches, communities and homes are infiltrated with fear. But, it is our human will to forge on. At a time of so much loss, there is also the opportunity for introspection and realization. Our common way of life has been stripped bare, and in the process, revealed all of its parts, some of which need to see some sun. It is a time for us to investigate the priorities of our governing bodies, our schools, our social and personal practices. We mourn, honor, learn from and are strengthened by our losses and know we must go on. It is a time in which we are gifted a slowed pace, time with our children, maybe time alone. It is a time in which we are forced to change, and the human spirit has an amazing way of rising above. It is a time to celebrate, even fortify aspects of, the beauty of what was before, and leave what has not worked, behind.


Please write, in 3 minutes, what makes you forge on. What rebirth has come about for you in the sickness of our Pandemic? How do you see (fill in the blank) rising above to something better, healthier, more grounded?


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